Our Environment Class 10 Notes

The Environment: What is it?

  • Our environment refers to the surroundings in which an organism lives and interacts.
  • It's a complex system formed by living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) factors.

Components of the Environment:

  • Biotic factors: Living things like plants, animals, humans, and microorganisms.
  • Abiotic factors: Non-living things like air, water, soil, sunlight, temperature, wind, and minerals.


  • An ecosystem is a geographic area where biotic and abiotic factors interact with each other.
  • Examples include forests, ponds, oceans, and even your backyard!
  • Within an ecosystem, living organisms depend on each other and their non-living environment for survival.

How Living Things Interact:

  • Food chain: The transfer of food energy from one organism to another.
  • Food web: A network of interconnected food chains in an ecosystem.
  • Trophic levels: The feeding positions in a food chain, like producers (plants), consumers (herbivores, carnivores), and decomposers.

Environmental Issues:

  • Human activities can negatively affect our environment. Some key issues include:
    • Ozone depletion: The thinning of the ozone layer, which protects us from harmful ultraviolet radiation.
    • Pollution: Contamination of air, water, and soil with harmful substances.
    • Deforestation: Clearing of forests, leading to loss of biodiversity and habitat destruction.
    • Waste disposal: Improper management of solid and electronic waste.

Remember: We all have a role to play in protecting our environment. By understanding these concepts, you can take steps to make a positive difference.


Bhaskar Singh

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